
Fronteriza/Border Woman
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
March, 2019
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

Note: This poem was written as part of the Southwest Writing Project in Laredo in 1997 and chosen by the National Writing Project Committee to appear in the broadcast of Rural Voices Radio III (2003) on National Public Radio. I read the poem for the program and it was broadcast nation-wide. The CD’s were produced and distributed in the U.S.A.
Prayer for our River the
Rio Grande
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
January, 17 2020
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

A Father's Love
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
June 2020
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

Soy reina porque mi padre Me trató como princesa.
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

I come from Laredo
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
July 25, 2018
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

For my aunt who just
turned 99
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
July 24, 2018
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

It Takes Courage to Love
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
June 2018
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

Papá was the first
feminist I knew
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
May 2017
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

El rebozo, manta de
mil colores
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

The Darkest Storm
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
May 28, 2021
Published in Dvino Magazine in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

Rosario Flores Garcia
Rosa María Ceballos de Llano
May 17, 2019
Published in the Laredo Morning Times Newspaper

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